SRO NP Water well drillers association objectives.
2.1. SRO assists its members in the activities aimed at the development of water well drilling technologies to improve the quality of the performed works and services based on high-tech manufacturing processes. To solve this problem SRO develops and maintains implementation standards regulating the main areas of professional activity, which are binding for all SRO members (Fig. 2).
In order to enter into SRO its applicants shall confirm the compliance of the products they produce and the services they provide with the standards and requirements of the Russian Federation legislation. To monitor the compliance by the members of SRO organization with the standards of implementation and the Russian Federation legislation special bodies are established within SRO which are bound to apply disciplinary measures for SRO members in case of corresponding violations.
2.2. By establishing the Compensation Fund SRO provides additional financial responsibility of its members before the consumers of their products and services and other third parties. With the same purpose SRO sets its own insurance requirements in respect of its members. Thus, SRO assists its members in improving the protection level of an individual and society vital interests from the harm that can be caused by SRO members during the implementation process of water well drilling and related complex of technological and production processes.
2.3. SRO provides assistance to its members concerning the representation and protection of their economic, professional and social interests at legislative and executive authorities, at courts, local governmental bodies, public associations, as well as to third parties and citizens. As a part of such activity SRO has the right for an independent examination of standard legal acts and also the right of sending the opinions on the results of their independent examinations of draft standard legal acts to the Russian Federation authorities, state power bodies of the Russian Federation subjects and local governments. SRO on its own behalf and on behalf of its members may apply to the court for recognition of a legal act as invalid and not complying with federal law. This allows to protect the interests of those SRO members that will undertake to comply with the normative legal act containing a broad interpretation of its rules in whole or in part which is not allowed by federal law.
2.4. In order to develop the industry of water well drilling wells SRO has the right to participate in the development and the discussion of draft federal laws and other standard legal acts of Russian Federation, laws and other normative legal acts of the Russian Federation. SRO has the right to participate in the development and implementation of federal, state, regional and local programs and projects that have the interests of SRO members. SRO has the right to participate in the development of other decisions of state authorities and local self-governmental bodies in matters relating to the SRO objectives of water wells drilling and associated complex of technological and manufacturing processes.
2.5. SRO provides professional training and certification of experts, as well as develops programs to promote professional training of employees and specialists of various levels for water well drilling and the associated complex of technological and manufacturing processes. Thus, SRO assists its members to carry out activities aimed at the development of water wells drilling, as well as at the improvement of the performed work and services quality. SRO develops the trend associated with the preparation, training and professional development of specialists i.e. employees of SRO members.
2.6. SRO promotes the production activities of SRO members by implementation of new techniques and technologies. For such purposes conferences, seminars, round tables and other informational activities may be performed. For such purpose SRO may establish special bodies that interact with the scientific and technical community in the field of water wells drilling, promote the development of scientific and technical programs to facilitate the introduction of new technologies aimed at water wells drilling development.
2.7. SRO is intended to provide information and information support to its members and to inform the society about its activities and those ideas, designs, programs and projects related to SRO implementation. For this purpose we conduct targeted activities, exhibitions, competitions, conferences, meetings and seminars. As a part of its information policy SRO may contribute to the preparation of a number of information and popular science programs and publications for media, Internet, television, as well as participate in information programs and events organized by third parties.