About Partnership.
RF law "About self-regulatory organizations" provides for the transfer of significant governmental functions to these organizations established as professional communities. The basic principle of "self-regulation" is the provision of vast opportunities for the implementation of independent initiative activities by enterprises within self-regulatory organizations (SRO). First of all such autonomy concerns the control performance in respect of various spheres of economic activity in a particular industry, based on the standards and guidelines development for the implementation of certain activities and the monitoring of compliance with these rules along with the execution of sanctions for such guidelines violation (Fig. 1). Self-regulatory organizations acquired the rights of professional development of “game rules” within the market on the basis of real technical and economic conditions in their field of activity without being subject to extreme pressure of the governmental regulatory bodies. In return a state does not spend any additional financial and human resources to solve industry, economic and other problems within the area, which was "covered" by self-regulatory organization.
Consolidation of companies and entrepreneurs in self-regulatory organizations is performed either according to the principle of industry unification, or the unity of product markets. Such unities provide the ability to set unified standards and rules for all SRO members.
SRO NP Water well drillers association unites as members of the Company, which are the legal persons engaged in organizing and conducting the water well drilling and related technological and production processes. The SRO activity is performed within the Constitution of the Russian Federation in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation, Russian Federation subjects, in accordance with the SRO Charter and with the standards and regulations of the self-regulatory organization itself.
The main principles of SRO activities are the voluntariness, the equality of its members, self-management, transparency, legality, internal control of the work performance quality, the possibility for each member to participate in SRO management, the creation of favorable environment for all SRO members.